Saturday, January 29th, 2011

Sleigh Riding and Interviews…

Sorry, the two aren’t connected.

I’m heading out to go sleigh riding today….well, there’s no heading out really. The hill in my yard is steep enough, long enough and wide enough to accommodate all kinds of sleds, toboggans, skis and whatnot…

So, I just need to walk out the door.

I’m just waiting on the invitees I’ve asked over to arrive (a little later today) and then we’ll tackle it.

It’s snowing again (!) — more than flurries, but not quite with the vigor of Wednesday which left us with more than a foot.

I’m so excited! I can’t remember if I’ve been sledding during a snowfall. Whheeeeee!

In the meantime, I leave you with an interview of me (if you’re so inclined) over at Nerine Dorman’s Blog: Toads Corner. She’s called it, “Tea with Kelly Harmon,” which I absolutely love.

Please let me know what you think.

Nerine is an author and an editor, too. (And I was just tickled that she asked me for an interview.) She writes dark fantasy and romance and annually participates in the HorrorFest Convention near her home in Cape Town, SA. She’s really cool. You should check her out Nerine Dorman’s profile to see what I mean.

Happy Weekend!