Friday, February 15th, 2013

Writing Prompt – I Spy With My Little Eye…

Woman with a camera held up to her face, taking a picture.Question: Where do ideas come from?

Answer: They’re all around us.

But sometimes, they’re difficult to “see.” There’s a lot of visual stimulation around us, whether we’re visiting someplace new or sitting in our own writing spaces surrounded by the familiar.

Today’s writing prompt is a challenge. I want you to spend some time focusing on the objects around you and come up with a story (or a poem, or a memoir/journal entry, etc.) about one of the objects you see. Don’t let your eyes flick past the things you’ve viewed a million times a day. Instead, choose one to focus on, and think about some possibilities:

  • How did you acquire it? Was it given to you by a friend? What if someone else had given it? (An enemy? A teacher? An alien? What kind of story would that make?
  • How was it manufactured? What if it were made of something else? What if it had additional properties such as motion, magnetism, solubility, invisibility?
  • Who owned it before you did? Your brother? Your cousin? Henry the VIII?
  • Imagine this item in another location. What significance does the new location bring to the object? (Does it give you an idea for a story?)

Now…kick it up a notch by letting your imagination run wild. Start with the focus object, and continue to ask questions of it until the object of your study is no longer what you focused on. Instead of asking the “usual” questions, take a tangent… What does the color of it remind you of? How about the shape, or the texture? Maybe the gold-rimmed dinner plate which used to belong to your grandmother makes you think of the moon. Write a poem about the moon, or a story about a colony on the moon, or a fantasy about the moon’s pull on a witch’s spells.

Maybe the blue lamp is the same color of the ocean on a rainy morning. It makes you think of a secret at a beach house, a romance on an island, or a pirate shipwreck in Boston Harbor.

You get the idea.

Write that story (poem, vignette, journal entry, etc.) without the focus piece ever being mentioned in it.

Here’s Your Prompt:

  • Easy: Write something (a poem, a short story, a scene, etc.) using your object of choice, coupled with some of the questions outlined above (or more of your own!) Make certain that item is the focus of the piece.
  • Challenging: Start with a focus object, but transform it into a solid idea. Write something which was inspired by your focus piece.

Good luck!

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Writing Prompt – Walking on the Moon

Astronaut on the Moon Today marks the 43rd anniversary of Armstrong’s moon walk.

I remain amazed – and yet feel we should have done so much more by now. We’ve lost momentum along the way.

Don’t you feel that there ought to be colonies up there by now? Vacations?

I think the moon would be an awesome place to take a writing retreat. Few distractions, and an up close and personal look at space for those of us who write that type of science fiction.

Here’s Your Prompt:

  • Write a story about colonization on the moon. How do politics come into play? How do the nations of the world divide up the acreage of the moon?
  • Giant steps are what you take, Walkin’ on the moon
    I hope my leg don’t break, Walkin’ on the moon

    We could walk forever, Walkin’ on the moon
    We could be together, Walkin’ on, walkin’ on the moon

    Walkin’ back from your house, Walkin’ on the moon
    Walkin’ back from your house, Walkin’ on the moon

    ~ “Walkin’ on the Moon, by the Police (Lyrics by Sting)

  • Pretend you’ve been granted a deed for 100 acres of space on the moon and you’re going to turn it into a resort. What kind of resort do you build? What attractions will you have for your customers? How will people get there?
  • Neil Armstrong is quoted as saying, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” when he stepped out onto the moon’s surface. Write a story where the same quote could be applicable, but don’t mention the moon (or anything related to space) anywhere in the story.
  • A twist on an old favorite: if you were stranded on the moon, who would you NOT want to be stranded with? Now, pretend you’re stranded on the moon, and it’s that person’s fault. Write the argument. You’re not allowed to write only dialogue: make certain you set the scene and show what both of you are doing during the fight.
  • Write a poem about walking on the moon. This poem can’t be about the moon, but walking on it. Use your imagination to decide what it would be like to hop across the surface, or do some research to get the facts straight. Your choice.
  • Write a letter to your best friend about staying for a week on the moon. How was the commute? Are you camping or staying in a hotel? Do you plan to site-see or relax?

Good luck!