Friday, May 24th, 2013

Writing Prompt – A Bit of Randomness

A very young girl in curlers and make up.I’m heading over to Balticon later on today, and it’s been a frenetic week preparing. Not because I’ve got such a large schedule — I deliberately don’t have much of one at all this year — but because life just got in the way.

I’m sure there’s a blog post/writing prompt for “life getting in the way” but that seemed kind of vague to me this morning. Watch for it later, I’m certain.

So, today’s prompts are rather random. Just some ideas I’ve been playing with that haven’t gone together for one huge post…and they all start with the photo.

Your options: choose the photo for the prompt, one or some of the prompts, or all of them (that might prove interesting!) and write away.

The Random Prompts

  • A woman on her honeymoon is shocked to learn a major secret from her husband’s past.
  • “Uncle John, I don’t like this.”
  • I loved her with all my heart – but every day she became more of a leech.
  • While driving to work one day, you decide to drive by the office, and just keep going.
  • A woman on her honeymoon is shocked to learn a major secret from her husband’s past.