Monday, February 15th, 2010

Dear Mother Nature…

Deer Up to their Chests in the Snow…enough already!

We get the picture. There’s no such thing as global warming.

Now, please stop.


The Northeastern United States and Beyond

Just when I thought it was safe to go outside again…the snow makes another appearance. It’s hard to believe it’s snowing again (and that another storm is predicted for next weekend).

We’ve had a bit of thaw since the last, but not much.

Most of the road are finally clear. The animals have just started venturing out again.

I’m really not up to shoveling anymore.

[The pic was taken by a friend of the family down in southern Maryland on Thursday 2/11/2010.]

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

30 Inches and More to Come…

We were hit with just shy of 30 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday. It was undeniably pretty…for about the first 10 inches…and then things got hairy.

Trees Covered in Snow 1 - Photo by Kelly A. Harmon

Trees Covered in Snow 2 - Photo by Kelly A. Harmon

Luckily, we didn’t lose power (as we have so many times)–there’s a reason we keep a generator handy in the garage. But keeping up with the shoveling proved exhausting.

We have a huge snowblower – you’ll see why we do in the driveway picture below….our drive is more than 400 feet long and has an incline of about 30 degrees. It’s no easy feat to clear off after a big snow.

When a big snow comes along, we blow it off every few hours…but this storm came through in the wee hours of the morning. We focused on keeping the heat pumps clear. We still couldn’t keep the ice from forming on them.

To get to the snow early Saturday morning, we had to shovel a path for the blower to go up the drive. Then we could let it do its work…but the wet, slushy snow underneath couldn’t be thrown.

Here’s a shot of my husband’s hands nearly an hour after we’d come in. Four-plus hours of shoveling and snow-blower wrangling will do this to you. I shoveled just as much, but my hands weren’t so bad.

Work Hands

We managed to clear a path wide enough for a vehicle, but the pad below and the sides of the drive we let go. Finally, we called a snow plow to do the rest of the work.

Here are some shots of the snow around the area, nothing pretty…just a few photos to show you the depth.

Electrical Boxes, Covered in Snow

These are our electrical and cable boxes, nearly covered in snow.

Driveway, cleared of snow

The view up my driveway…after we finally hired someone with a snow plow to clear what we were too exhausted to manage.

Wall of Snow at End of Driveway

The Great Wall of Snow created by the snow plow. I’m convinced that if the plow had done the job from the beginning, this wall would have been over six feet, not just chest high.

It’s currently snowing…and the weather guys are predicting 10-to-18 more inches. Should be interesting!