Friday, July 1st, 2011 Sometimes when we write, the words won’t come.
Or, they’re boring.
Or, they’re average, common or trite.
It could be the subject matter. Or that we’re trying to hard. Or we’re afraid to write the words.
It could also be a thousand other things. Unrelated to writing things. We’re tired. We’re fried from a long work week. The commute sucked. It’s too noisy. We just can’t concentrate.
Many times, we’re dancing around the point.
Here’s Your Prompt:
When you’re stuck with your writing, and the words won’t come, just draw a line on the page (or skip a few lines on the screen) and write:
What I’m really trying to say is…
… and then write for 10 minutes about what’s really on your mind. It may or may not fix the scene or the poem or the passage you’re working on. But it may open avenues to other pieces. It might be the kernel of the next book or poem or essay you want to begin.
Or, it might be just getting something off your mind. It might clear the path for getting back to what you were doing.
It might be exactly what you want to write about.
Either way, it’s deeper thinking, food for thought….something to be considered when next you write again.
Friday, June 24th, 2011 I venture to say that I’m not the only woman whose little-girl dreams included getting married and moving into a castle.
(Though I was never into that pink, sugar-coated, cotton candy and ice cream Disneyfied version that always gets pimped to little girls.)
Show me dark stone masonry, moats and oubliettes, a crypt in the cellar (and a dungeon) and you’ve got my attention.
I still haven’t outgrown the idea.
I’ve whiled away endless hours on the internet looking at castles for sale (and castles for rent) searching for both inspiration, and, well, the perfect opportunity.
It’s amazing how many castles are actually affordable. What stops me is the whole ‘packing up and moving to another country’ thing. That’s too much hassle.
So, if I had my wish? Yeah, I’d move into a big scary castle on scads of acreage. I want cool stone floors, vaulted ceilings in the dining room, hidden staircases, secret passage ways, crypts to explore…I’d take a torch and my laptop and spend the afternoon writing. Now there’s some stimulating atmosphere!
My favorite room would be the huge, fully-equipped library: leather bound books ceiling to floor, large crackling fireplace, thick pile rugs covering the stone (and of course a tastefully designed technology center where I can surf the net and write…)
And at least one craggy turret of the castle must overlook the ocean, so that on breezy days I can throw open a lead-paned window to catch both the ocean breeze and the noise of the breakers hitting the shore. (This turret room will contain the second, fully-equipped library, etc. etc. because being surrounded by books while writing is simply euphoric.)
Here’s Your Prompt: What’s your dream home? Where’s it located? How would you trick it out? What’s your motivation for this location? This style? Would you decorate it yourself or call in a designer? Where would it be? Your home town? Where you currently reside? Or across the ocean on another continent?
If you’ve got the time, sketch your home and the surrounding property. Then, map the layout inside: add all the details that you can to illustrate your dreams.
Friday, June 17th, 2011 [… cue the Alice Cooper music…]
Yesterday was the last day of school in our county, and the little parasites are out in droves today. Can’t go anywhere today without bumping into one!
So…in honor of summer vacation…
Here’s Your Prompt:
Depending on your school district, you have approximately 104 days of summer vacation.
What are your plans?
Pretend you’ve got nothing to do until school is back in session…and you’ve got to plan out how you’re going to spend each and every day.
Money doesn’t matter, obligations don’t exist, any and all transportation is available to you. (So, if you want to take a trip to the moon…you may.)
Parse out the vacation by weeks or by days — or weekends — or whatever takes your fancy. Explain where you’re going to go, how you’re going to get there, who you’re going with, and most importantly: why you’re going.
Dig deep into your soul and examine the reason your trip. (“Because I’ve never been there,” isn’t good enough.)
And remember, we’re imagining here…so the reasons can be imaginary, too…
Once you’ve planned your entire vacation, choose one of your trips and pretend it’s already happened. Spend some time showing how the trip went, what you experienced along the way, and whether or not you fulfilled your reason for going.
Friday, June 10th, 2011 I’m trying to narrow down my life to the things that really please me.
When I figure that out, I plan on streamlining everything.
I’m fairly certain of the ‘short list’ of things that I really like. Here’s a subset:
- my family
- writing
- good friends
- reading
- really loud music 🙂
- my doll collection (No, I am not too old to play with dollies!)
- visits to Staples (Will the Husband of Awesome™ groan upon reading this?)
- genealogy
- gardening
- photography
- knitting
- soft ice cream
- chocolate and peanut butter together
- homemade whipped cream
- …
The list goes on.
Some things have always been, and will always remain on the list: soft ice cream, family, reading… Knitting is fairly new, and I’m not certain how long it will continue to captivate me. But I’ve reached a point where I’m ready to knit sweaters or quit all together. (One can only knit so many scarves and potholders and really kewl fingerless gloves before the shininess palls, ya know?)
When I figure this out, when the list above is complete — and current — because I don’t want anything on it that used to please me, I’m going to weed everything out of my life that doesn’t pertain.
If it’s a physical item, it’s getting tossed. If it’s a bad habit, I’ll break it. If it’s an acquaintance, I’ll refuse future invitations.
Big job.
My point is this: why should we surround ourselves with anything that doesn’t give us pleasure? All else is an annoyance, a liability, or a distraction from what’s really important.
Here’s Your Prompt: Make a list of all the things that you enjoy doing or having or being.
The list can be as long or as short as you want it. It’s your list, after all, and only you can know how many things should be on it.
Now, pick one item on the list, one thing you really, really love, and write about why it gives you such pleasure. Write as if to a friend that you’re trying to share this passion with. Don’t try to be persuasive. It’s not you job to convince your “friend” to like it, too. Instead, concentrate on why you feel the way you do about it. Help your friend understand your passion.
Friday, June 3rd, 2011 I was taking a brisk walk last night when I smelled the perfume of honeysuckle wafting by on an itinerant breeze.
A flood of memories assailed me.
I was struck with the image of my teenaged self driving too fast along twisting rural roads, music blasting, windows rolled all the way down, honeysuckle scent barreling into the car through windows and vents, bathing everything in its sweet odor.
I was reminded of hot summer evenings, deck-sitting, waiting for the elusive breeze, and with it the tantalizingly sweet smell of honeysuckle.
I remembered visiting my aunt’s house with the steep hill on the front of the property covered in honeysuckle, and sitting in that patch — flowers up to my ears — with laughing cousins and siblings, all of us telling jokes and sucking on honeysuckle flowers.
Wow! It’s no wonder scientists say that our sense of smell is the strongest link with our memories.
What are you reminded of with a particular aroma?
Here’s Your Prompt: Conjure up some scents!
Take a sniff from a perfume or cologne bottle you haven’t worn in a while. (If you don’t have one at home, check out the perfume counter at a department store, or the personal aisle in drug store for shampoo or hairspray or lotion…)
Take a walk in a bakery or florist. Or a leather goods shop. Or the beach.
Create your own memories by lighting a fire or candle, or baking one of your grandmother’s recipes in the oven.
What memories do these smells evoke?
Write a memoir, an essay a journal entry or a poem.
Friday, May 27th, 2011 I never drive anywhere new without a map.
I think I’ve mentioned before that sometimes I have a map and a GPS, and I still manage to get lost. That’s just me.
Lately, I’ve been looking at maps, deciding where I might like to take some day trips this summer. I’m looking at museums, hiking trails, adventure stuff.
(Some decisions will be made by the apparent ease of getting there. Too many turns, and I’m not going…or I’ll take a navigator. Who’s up for a road trip this summer?)
The Yahoo map to the right has a star marking St. Michael’s Church in Baltimore. I might take trip there to investigate more family genealogy.
Here’s Your Prompt:
In honor of spring and planning summer and fall trips, here are some prompts about maps. You can write a poem, a story, a scene, anything that comes to mind inspired by these:
- Lost again!
- You’re in uncharted territory…
- “Far, far across the crimsoned map the impassioned armies sweep.” – (from ‘The Superman’ by Robert Grant)
- A secret location…
- “A barnyard and fifteen Holstein cows, dabs of white on a black wall map, never blink an eye.” – (from Still Life’ by Carl Sandburg)
- He had never passed this way before…
- “Because he had no map, he followed…” – (from Sandy Star and Willie Gee by William Stanley Braithwaite)
- Here’s a map to my heart.
- He was mapping a sentence when…
- …is only to be considered as a general map of Man, marking out no more than the greater parts, their extent, their limits, and their connection, but leaving… (from An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope)
- Following the map of your desires…
- A mile and a half beyond the yellow barn…
- She opened the tattered envelope and pulled out a map to…
Have fun!
Friday, May 13th, 2011 In honor of Friday the 13th, I think a writing prompt on phobia is in order.
Fear of this day is so large it’s got TWO Greek names. You may refer to it as either Friggatriskaidekaphobia or Paraskevidekatriaphobia.
A few of my favorites from the wikipedia list of phobias:
- Halitophobia – fear of bad breath
- Ablutophobia – fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning
- Agyrophobia – fear of crossing roads
The wikipedia entry also contains a list of phobias related to animals (such as Ichthyophobia, the fear of fish) and biological instances (such as Hydrophobia, the fear of water, which is a a symptom of rabies). Very informative.
It’s fun to joke about phobias, but for some, they’re true fears which interfere with a way of life, often for the worse.
In college, I had a friend who developed a pervasive fear of social situations (Sociophobia), so bad, that by the end of the semester she could not leave her dorm room. She had to be medicated to be removed, and never completed her degree.
George Lucas’ famous character Indiana Jones has a near-paralyzing fear of snakes (Ophidiophobia) which often hinders his heroic exploits. It’s a great plot device: his fear has a tendency to get in the way of the action, causing tension and raising the stakes, as well as adding depth to the character.
Keep this in mind while you’re working through this exercise.
Here’s Your Prompt: Today’s prompt is an exercise in character building/story planning which is a large part of writing. Choose a plausible phobia from the wikipedia list (or any other resource, or even make up your own) and apply it to a character your currently writing about, or one you’re thinking of starring in your next story or novel.
Think of the possibilities that phobia has for influencing your character’s actions, both within the framework of a tale, and as backstory. Is it possible that an entire story can be created from the fear?
Make a list of how your chosen phobia can interfere with every day life, make is plausible, but stretch.
For example, what if your character, like Indiana, suffers from ophidiophobia, but she lives in New York City?
There aren’t many snakes to be found in the city, so how can her fear affect her? Maybe she walks to her job every day, but the zoo has erected a tremendous billboard on her route with the photo of a large, striking rattle snake. She can’t even look at it.
Her fear is so strong that she needs to find another route. And taking that route starts your story in motion. What happens when she has to find another way to work?
After you’ve made your list, determine which items or situations can be used as scenes. Then, get to work writing them!
* Photo by W.J.Pilsak found at Wikipedia.
Thursday, May 12th, 2011 Not the pond I talk about below.
It was 54 degrees outside when I left my house this morning: a 30-degree drop in temperature from the afternoon before. There was a bit of a chill in the air, and condensation covered a large expanse of the outdoors.
As I wound my way down the narrow, hilly, and curvy road, I kept my eye out for a view of the pond located at the edge of a nearby farmer’s property.
At 5:30 a.m., I often see wildlife making use of the pond, and today I was looking forward to what I might find.
Brought on by the cool morning, a thin layer of fog hovered over the slowly cooling pond. A single goose swam in the water, partially hidden in the rising tendrils of fog.
And great fodder for detail in my working — and future — novels.
I thought about this single goose all the way to work, and when I arrived, I jotted down a few of the more striking details:
– cool morning
– condensation on nearly everything outside
– wispy fog over the pond
– details of the pond lost in the fog
– a single goose
– very quiet
– sun hadn’t risen yet
The beauty of a scene like this is that the detail can be used over and over again in different stories and novels, and never has to be used the same way twice. It doesn’t even have to be used as it is!
For instance, why a goose? Why not a deer, if your story takes place in a wooded glade; or a bobcat, if the story takes place in a desert setting?
The same fog could rise in the evening after a warm day.
Perhaps the sun has risen in your story.
(And, by changing details among the details, you’ve not only grown the body of items you can choose from, you increase the possibilities of stories you could write.)
The key to using detail — especially striking detail — is not to overload the reader. Pick only one or two items that stand out, and save the others for another time.
This approach offers three advantages:
- using fewer details allows the reader to imagine the rest of the scene, giving them some “ownership” of the story, allowing them to be absorbed, rather than dictated to.
- it leaves you with several more details to mix and match in other stories you may write in the future, without suggesting to your astute readers that you’re taking shortcuts by writing the same thing over and over.
- the remaining details might be used as story-starters — rather than just scenes or details – for future works.
How have you used real-life incidents or settings in your stories? How do you note them or keep track of them? Do you find yourself using those details in multiple stories?
Friday, May 6th, 2011 On May 6, 1937, the German airship, Hindenburg, exploded just as it arrived at it’s destination, Lakehurst, New Jersey. Thirty six people were killed.
Herbert Morrison, a radio announcer on WLS Radio, watching the disaster unfold, delivered a live speech as the zeppelin went down in flames, the last line of which has been exploited in movies, television and elsewhere (often taken out of context and used for dramatic — even humorous — effect).
He said:
“Oh, oh, oh. It’s burst into flames. Get out of the way, please…this is terrible…it’s burning, bursting into flames, and is falling… Oh! This is one of the worst… it’s a terrific sight… oh, the humanity.”
Almost a thousand people waited for the Hindenburg that evening. Bad weather and rain delayed both the ship’s arrival and timely docking. A set of unfortunate circumstances: the use of hydrogen for buoyancy and maneuverability (rather than the safer helium gas), the small gas leak noticed too late, Captain Max Pruss’ too-fast landing and subsequent reverse engine thrust, all contributed to the inferno.
Reports say the spectators felt the heat of the blast nearly a mile away.
Here’s Your Prompt: Write an eye-witness account of an accident, a natural disaster, or a medical emergency. What was your first thought, or the first words out of your mouth? What were you doing when “it” happened? Were you with anyone? Were you near enough to be injured yourself? What about anyone else you were with?
Who else was involved? How did it happen? What was the ultimate outcome? Write what you experienced during the event. Don’t ignore your senses: how things looked, felt, sounded, smelled and even tasted. Include how you were feeling when the event was happening, and now, looking back on it, how you feel about it having happened.
Journalistic Prompt: Write the same story as a reporter, not as an eye witness. “Interview” others who saw what happened and relate, in their words, the most key elements of the story: who, what, when, where, why and how. Keep your own opinion out of the story, and be certain to include a spectrum of eyewitness opinions — including contradictory accounts and conclusions — to make certain the story is “fair and balanced.”
For more information on journalism, see my other prompt on the inverted pyramid style of writing for newspapers.
Monday, May 2nd, 2011 This is the first of a 3-part interview series of authors from the book Many Genres, One Craft recently published by Headline Books. Many Genres, One Craft is an anthology of instructional articles for fiction writers looking for advice on how to improve their writing and better navigate the mass market for genre novels.
While the book encompasses many aspects of writing, this series of interviews is all about coordinating and attending writing conferences.
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KJ Howe, is a two-time Daphne du Maurier winner, a four-time Golden Heart finalist, and a finalist in the American Title III Contest. She earned her Master’s in Writing Popular Fiction in 2007 and is now represented by the Evan Marshall Agency. International intrigue and pulse-pounding adventure are her passions. When she isn’t writing romantic thrillers, KJ is researching them by shark cage diving in South Africa, interacting with semi-habituated elephants in Botswana, or scuba diving in the Red Sea. You can visit her at

KJ Howe
Why should someone attend a conference? How can you decide if a conference is right for you?
No matter where you are in your writing career, you can benefit from attending a conference. You can learn from the workshops, find critique partners, network with industry professionals, promote your books, find inspiration to get back to your writing, discover new writing tools, meet people with the same enthusiasm for books, and so much more.
I would recommend finding a conference that is in your genre, so you can make specific connections to editors, agents, and other writers in your chosen field. There are large conferences and small conferences. The small ones offer intimacy, but the large ones offer more choices and a larger number of superstars. I’d try both and see what feels right for you. Some authors find the large conferences a little intimidating, while others enjoy the hubbub and love having access to many big names.
What is the best thing that’s ever come out of a conference for you?
I was very fortunate that at one of my first conferences, I entered a writing contest and was lucky enough to win–and secured an agent as a result. Always throw your hat in the ring and enter contests at conferences. It can really pay off.
What if you get there, and find it isn’t right for you? How do you make lemons from lemonade?
I’ve been at a few conferences where I felt like a fish out of water, but I always try to make the most out of it. There is always something to be gained–from an incredible writing insight to meeting an instrumental person for your career. Keep your heart and mind open. You may be surprised what you discover.
What was the worst thing that’s ever happened to you at a conference?
Very good question. I was once introduced to a high-profile author. I was quite nervous to be thrown into the situation with no warning, and, needless to say, I wasn’t at my most eloquent. As a result, the author turned and walked away without a goodbye. The experience hurt, but I learned many lessons from it, most importantly, to treat people with respect no matter who they are because I’ve felt the impact of being snubbed.
What should you do to prepare for a conference — especially if you want to pitch your book?
I would recommend sitting down and writing out your goals for the conference. Are you there to network, learn craft, find an agent…try to figure out what would serve you best at this time in your career. Also, do your homework about who you would like to meet. You should have access to the workshop schedule ahead of time. Select your workshops based on subject matter and who is teaching. Be strategic and target your priorities.
There is a great article on pitching at the ThrillerFest website at Just go under the AgentFest heading–AgentFest is a pitching event where we have 60 agents eager to hear about your book. If you’re looking for an agent, you may want to consider joining us.
What are some conferences do’s and don’ts?
I would recommend treating a conference like a business event. Dress business casual, be polite and professional to everyone, and don’t imbibe too much alcohol. Most of all, have fun. Writing is a solitary activity, and it’s important to meet fellow enthusiasts.
When should a person consider NOT going to a conference?
Although I feel strongly that spending time at a conference is almost always worthwhile, there are times when you may decide not to attend–if you’re under a tight writing deadline, you may have to spend that week writing (although I know many writers who come to the conferences for certain events while spending tons of time in the room writing). Financial constraints can also play a role. It’s a very personal decision, and it’s important to weigh all those issues before signing up for a conference.
What’s it like being a conference coordinator? Do you get paid?
I have the distinct pleasure of working on the ThrillerFest team, a conference for thriller writers held in NYC every July. Because we are part of the International Thriller Writers, we have people coming from all over the world to participate in ThrillerFest. We’re fortunate to have countless industry professionals attend because we host the conference in NYC where editors and agents can walk down the street to join us.
Working as a conference coordinator is similar to being a juggler. There are so many aspects of running a conference, you need to keep all the balls in the air, hoping none drop. Some of the key tasks include: coordinating the logistics with the hotel staff, arranging for food and beverages, taking care of VIP guests, organizing volunteers to assist with programming, advertising the conference, securing sponsors…the list could go on and on, but let’s just say that many details need to be worked out to make sure the attendees experience a smooth, interesting, and well-organized event.
The position of Executive Director of ThrillerFest is a full-time position–and one of the best jobs in the world.
What are the top three skills for coordinators?
1) Strong organizational skills.
2) Positive interpersonal skills.
3) A detail-oriented approach.
What do you need to know to run a successful conference–and how would one go about getting involved?
My best advice if you’re interested in becoming involved in conference organization is to start by volunteering your time. Learn the ropes from the ground up, so you can see how it all works. That’s what I have done, and it’s been a wonderful learning experience. Also, as a conference organizer, it’s important to do every job at least once. That way, if someone is ill or can’t do his /her job, you can take over seamlessly.
What are some trends in conferences these days?
Conferences offer so much. For high profile authors, conferences can offer an opportunity to meet fans and promote their latest novel. Aspiring authors can network with established authors, learn from the various panels/workshops, and find inspiration from being around people with a similar love of literature. As far as trends go, there seems to be more fan-oriented conferences available, and many conferences offer courses on the craft of writing. For example, at ThrillerFest, we have an event called CraftFest where NYT Bestselling authors share their secrets to writing fiction. For more information, please visit and take a look under CraftFest.
What’s exciting about running a conference, and what’s not?
There’s nothing like the rush of seeing all your hard work pay off–when people thank you for the event and express their enthusiasm, it makes burning the candle at both ends well worth it.
Man Genres, One Craft can be purchased at
Many thanks to KJ Howe for answering a few questions about attending writing conferences and coordinating them. If you have others, please post in the comments. KJ will be happy to answer them!
More information about Many Genres, including author information and other interviews is available on the Many Genres blog.
Please visit next Monday for the second interview from Many Genres, One Craft.
9 May 2011 – Edit: Part II with Bram Stoker Award Winner Lucy A. Snyder can be found here.
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