Here’s the cover! Guess what that means?
Sunday, May 1st, 2016 Here’s the cover! Guess what that means? Friday, June 20th, 2014
Book Publishers Northwest asked me to write a little bit about the cover design process for Stoned in Charm City, and I was happy to do so. 🙂 My article, Book Cover in a Week, Guaranteed is available today. If you drop by, please leave a little love in the comments! Thanks! Friday, May 2nd, 2014
This is the first book in a series called “Charm City Darkness,” and will be available just in time for Memorial Day. (Anyone going to the beach?) The story is urban fantasy, and takes place in Baltimore City, hence the name of the series: Charm City Darkness. If you take a close look at the cover, you just might recognize the Inner Harbor in the background. I think the cover artist did a fabulous job. I got a proof from the printer on Thursday and I think it looks just fabulous. Please let me know what you think! (This means I’ll have paperback copies for Balticon, too. Who’s going to be there this year?) Here’s the blurb from the back of the book: Forty dollars. Two crisp twenties. All that stands between Assumpta Mary Margaret O’Connor and homelessness.
For the price of forty dollars, she helps archeologist Greg LaSpina find something he’s lost–and causes all Hell to break loose. Literally. With demons tormenting their every step, Assumpta and Greg become both hunted and hunter in their search for a way to send the demons back to Hell. One careless mistake could cost them their lives. Wrestling with her faith, Assumpta considers an offer made by one very sexy demon: sleep with him, and learn how to rid the world of the escaped evil. But the offer comes with a steep price: her immortal soul. I hope the blurb sounds exciting! Any reviewers out there? I should have the digital copies in a week or so and will be happy to send you a digital copy for review. Monday, August 22nd, 2011
Isn’t it gorgeous? It looks like there might be a change in title in this volume. It was originally to be called: The Complete Guide to Writing Paranormal: Undead, Cursed and Inhuman. Now, it just looks like it’s going to be called The Complete Guide to Writing Paranormal: Volume 1. A tentative publication date is slated for September or October (yes, 2011!) by Dragon Moon Press. Yay! Until Kim Richards took over the editing for this book, I was seriously doubting that it would ever get published. I’ve had to move it up my bibliography page for the last couple of years, having been first “Forthcoming in 2009,” I believe. I’ve never had a piece be accepted and then sit so long before publication (though I admit I have another piece out there right now that’s approaching a similar timeline…) That being said… Yay! (Yeah, I know I said that already, but I’m too excited to keep it in.) My chapter is on finding and joining (or starting your own) critique group…but there is tons of nuts and bolts information about how to write anything paranormal. And there were so many contributions by authors, that there are two volumes planned. Yay! I’ll let you know when the book is available for sale. Monday, September 13th, 2010
The anthology is due out in mid-October…and I’ve got a story in it! (And, look! My name’s on the cover!) My story, Sky Lit Bargains, is about a woman who is forced to leave her home or face the repeated, escalating sexual advances of her new brother-in-law. Trained for warfare, rather than domesticity, Sigrid crosses the channel to her Uncle Gervais’ keep and makes a bargain with him to kill the wyvern plaguing his lands. Her plans go awry when she’s followed by her best friend (and sorceress) and her brother-in-law’s guards… I’ll post an excerpt once I get a go-ahead from Drollerie. Here’s the Table of Contents (TOC): “Counterbalance” by Ruth Sorrell Read more about Hellebore and Rue. Thursday, May 13th, 2010
Early on in his career, he was a comic artist…helping out Al Capp with the L’il Abner comic strip, and eventually going on to draw the strip himself for many years. My first introduction to Frazetta was the cover of a book. In fact, he was probably responsible for 90% of the book covers of books I read as a teen…and some I’ve picked up recently. I’d venture to say that his artwork influenced me in choosing many of those books over others on the bookstores’ shelves. He created covers for Conan, Tarzan and other heroes. His artwork has been called, “visceral, violent, and erotic” with his scantily clad subjects (both male and female). I find his artwork dark and attractive. It’s definitely the end of an era. RIP, Frank Frazetta. Saturday, April 17th, 2010 ![]() Yay! Editors have finalized the cover for the latest installment of the Bad Ass Fairies series: Bad Ass Fairies 3: In All Their Glory. My story “Selk-Skin Deep” is included. I’ll be at the book-launch party at Balticon in May. Hope to see you there! Friday, December 4th, 2009 I’m excited! Look at this beautiful cover art by Crystalwizard! Isn’t it fabulous? I think she did a terrific job of portraying my dragon, Salga di Alato (he’s an Italian Dragon) fire-strafing one of the three towers of San Marino. This cover art is for my short story, “The Dragon’s Clause,” which I’m re-issuing for Amazon kindle. (I can’t wait!) “The Dragon’s Clause” was originally published in the anthology, “Black Dragon, White Dragon,” by Ricasso Press under the name, “San Marino and the Dragon.” San Marino and the Dragon received a lot of good press. If you’re interested in the reviews, check out this page. If you enjoy stories about dragons, look into “Black Dragon, White Dragon,” available electronically and in print at Ricasso Press or from (print only). If you want to read my story, but not purchase the entire collection, you’ll soon get your chance. You can see more of Crystalwizard’s art at her ArtWanted site. I’ll let you know when “The Dragon’s Clause” becomes available….in the meantime, why don’t you tell me what you think of the art? Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 I received the final artwork for my novella, Blood Soup today! It will be available September 7, 2009 – just in time to start thinking about the Halloween rush. (I think that’s why the cover is a tad more “horror” looking than “dark fantasy”… Still, isn’t it fabulous? ![]() Sunday, June 28th, 2009 I would have posted this last night when I received it, but it just got to be too late. Check out this awesome cover for the Triangulation: Dark Glass anthology, coming out July 26, in which my story On the Path, appears. ![]() |
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