Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Dollar Store Win!

I stopped at a Dollar Store (Dollar Tree?) over the weekend and couldn’t believe the selection of books they had on the shelf. I picked up Susanna Clarke’s Hugo Winner: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell and Dava Sorbel’s: The Planets (which I know nothing about…but I LOVED Galileo’s Daughter, so I assume I’ll like this one, too.) I’m looking forward to reading it.

I’ve already started Jonathan Strange…

I’m committed to reading all the Hugo winners…I should probably post that list in addition to my Project Fill in the Blanks list…. In the meantime, I’ll war with my conscience over the fact that I bought two awesome (hard back) books – brand new – for a dollar each. I mean, it’s not like I bought them used, right? Or is it?

Can anyone comment on an author’s earnings from a book purchased at the dollar store?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Eternal Press is Great

I signed a contract for my novella Blood Soup with Eternal Press about three weeks ago, but haven’t received a return copy from EP. I’m not worried…It’s coming a long way via snail mail and I live in a location some would deem “rural.” (Others might call it “the sticks.”)

It so happens that on occasion, mail goes astray.

I sent a note off to my contact and had a response almost immediately! I think they’re going to be terrific to work with.

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

San Marino and the Dragon

Here’s the cover of the Ricasso Press Anthology: Black Dragon White Dragon. You’ll find my story, The Dragon and San Marino inside.

Black Draon White Dragon Anthology Cover

You can buy it at Amazon or from me, if you want an autographed copy.

Monday, March 30th, 2009

So Here It Is…

I’ve signed a contract with Eternal Press for my novella, Blood Soup, a dark fantasy about a king who sacrifices his twin daughter so that his twin son might live.  Technically, Blood Soup is a reprint since it won a contest in July last year, but I’m not complaining.

Eternal Press suggests that their authors create their own Web site.  I had one at, but nothing really speaks “professional” like buying your own domain.  So here it is.

It feels a little strange, not unlike having your name up in lights…but with some permanency. I’m certain it will feel as comfortable as a worn pair of Levis after my 50th post or so.

Do you like the layout? I hope so. I agonized over it.

The big question is: Do I port all the old stuff over or just start fresh?  Inquiring minds want to know. Or, at least, this one does. I’ll think about it.

For now, it’s a blank slate: sort of like that fresh notebook in September when you’re starting the new school year. I’ve always liked that newness…