Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Have You Seen This Nifty Idea Generator?

Brainstormer Idea GeneratorI love idea generators.

I get a kick out of seeing what other people make out of prompts as much as I enjoy trying them out myself. (That’s one reason I create a new writing prompt every Friday. Here’s the current list of them.)

Today I came across the Brainstormer. It’s been around for a while, but slid under my radar…probably because I tend to favor prompts with more meat.

The Brainstormer is definitely terse. And yet, I find it very appealing.

Andrew Bosley created the generator from lists he’d compiled while studying visual development and illustration. He’d choose random ideas from each list to prompt him to draw.

His original idea was to present these lists visually on his Web site and let folks cut and paste them together in a dial…but instead his friend John Michel programmed it in Flash.

(At first, I thought I would have loved to print it, cut it, paste it, etc. to have this nifty generator I could hold, but in hindsight I realize that for the cat waxing that it is…)

The flash is so much cooler. And faster.

My first spin of the wheel: Revenge Fairy Butcher

Sorry: You can’t have that idea. Get Your Own. I’m already brewing a story for that.