Friday, January 13th, 2012

Writing Prompt – Forgetfulness

Finger with a Red String Tied Around ItI was halfway home from work today when I realized I’d not scheduled the writing prompt for today.


I’ve had so much on my mind that I forgot.

So… in honor of forgetting, today’s prompt is about forgetfulness.

Here’s Your Prompt:

  • Your character forgets something very important. What happens?
  • One of your characters forgets something she thinks is no big deal, but her best friend/ significant other/ spouse completely disagrees. Write the argument that ensues.
  • If you journal, use either of the two above prompts, only from your point of view.
  • Write an acrostic poem using the word Forget or Forgetful.
  • Here are some famous quotations about forgetfulness to spark you:
    • It is the lot of man to suffer, it is also his fortune to forget. – Benjamin Disraeli
    • Though the past haunt me as a spirit, I do not ask to forget. – Felicia Dorothea Browne Hermans
    • There is a noble forgetfulness–that which does not remember injuries. – Charles Simmons
    • When out of sight, quickly also out of mind. – Thomas a Kempis